You're Just A Few Tiny Tweaks Away From A 50%-275%
Do You Know Which Tweaks You Need To Make?
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Let me ask you a question...

Do you struggle with growing your law firm? 

Are you one of the many attorneys experiencing the consistent feast-to-famine,  feast-to-famine struggle?

If so, how's it going for you? 

Let's face it... Growing a business can be an extreme challenge...

In this short letter, I'd like to share with you the concepts and insights that I've gained from helping more than 8,600 law firms annually...
What if I told you the challenges of growing your legal practice can be made exponentially easier? 


The reality is that the field of law has had stagnated growth over the past 10 years...

That means the legal industry is not growing, at all!

Sure... some law firms may have grown slightly, but there are just as many law firms that have had stagnate or negative growth that offsets the average -- and not in your favor!
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Very Limited Seating - Only 100 Spots Per Webinar
On the flip side of that...

Online legal services have expierenced Exponential Growth over the past 10 years...

In fact, it is estimated that Venture Capital has now invested more than $1 Billion Dollars into online legal service companies...

It is evidently clear that there is a "war" being waged on the traditional law firm and I want to make sure you are on the "winning" side. 

So here is something that you should consider...
This exact scenario has already occured in numerous other perofessional services niches, in which technology companies have invested tens-of-millions of dollars in order to generate massive profits...

And the've done it...!  At the loss and expense of numerous industries including:
  • ​Taxi Cabi Drivers (Uber)
  • ​Bank Tellers  (Online Banking)
  • ​Accountants  (Turbotax & Quickbooks)
  • ​Real Estate Agents (Zillow & Red Fin)
  •  Book Sellers  (Amazon)
  •  Attorneys (Legal Zoom, Rocket Lawyer, and many more...)
Here's Why This Matters...

Competition exists in any industry...


Attorneys have never before seen competition in the marketplace that is this fierce and the bad news is that it's not going to be getting much better!! 

Venture Capital is investing hundreds of millions of dollars annually in hopes of capitalizing on the legal industries "weak points"  and the unfortunate reality is that you and your legal practice are in the crosshairs. 

Attorneys who stay stagnate (just like the legal industry over the last 10 years)  will have an increasingly difficult time operating and effectively running their business because of this increased competition in the market place...

This leaves an incredible opportunity if you know how to effectively market your practice and target your desired customer with authority and ease. 

If you know how to position yourself and your legal practice as the "Go-To" authority in your area of practice and geograpic industry, then you can be poised to take advantage of the incredible shifts that are occuring in the marketplace. 

By properly educating yourself on the various ways that you can improve your law firm, market with more authority, acquire more clients, and become the "Go-To" legal expert in your area you can see success like never before. 

It could be your very own way of Fighting Back against the technology industry (and your competition) in order to take advatage of this never before seen market shifts. 

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Very Limited Seating - Only 100 Spots Per Webinar
Here's What You Need To Do Next...

Every industry rewards the indiviudals who are the first to discover the solution...

The Webinar that I am going to be hosting over the next few days could potentially be that exact solution for you and your law firm....

Click the button (above or below) and Register for the Webinar Right Now...

On the Webinar I'm Going to Show You How To:
  • Master Your Marketing and create effective communication that compels individuals to hire your firm and not the law firm down the street.
  • ​Position You and your Law Firm as the "Go-To" Expert in your area of practice.
  • ​Become a Legal Thought Leader who adds value to the Legal Industry.
  • ​The 4-Step Marketing Plan that will help your law practice acquire more clients, and generate more referrals without spending a boat-load of money on advertising.
  • ​Ways to automate your communication and correspondence that build an incredible amount of rapport and reciprocity with your clients that have them coming back time and time again.

This will be the one webinar this year that you should not miss...  It will offer more tactics, methods and strategies that you can implement in a whole week...

In fact, you're going to have to think long and hard about which incredible strategy you are going to implement first... Seriously!  

So don't delay.  

Register for the webinar, Right Now....  We only have 100 Spots available and I want to be sure that you secure your access to this event. 

I sincerely look forward to seeing you on the webinar very soon.  When you attent I am going to personally walk you through some of the insights and strategies that can completely revolutionzie your law firm.

You'll love it!    See you soon! 

- Draye Redfern 
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Very Limited Seating - Only 100 Spots Per Webinar

Only 100 Spots Available

Very limited webinar...

Three Dates to Choose From

Pick the Day That Works Best For You
Uncover the Ways to Exponentilly Elevate Your Legal Practice...
4-Marketing Strategies to Immediately Increase Law Firm Revenue
Improve & Track Your Marketing Processes for Greater Success
Elevate The Perception of Your Personal Brand and Law Firm
Easily Automate Follow Up Messaging
That Coverts Customers
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Very Limited Seating - Only 100 Spots Per Webinar
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